Thursday, February 20, 2020

When Your Plate Is Full 2/20/20

Good Morning,

There are a lot of twos in the date today. I find little things like at amusing. I do find the cup of Door County Vanilla Cappuccino Coffee sitting next to me to be hot, tasty, and ready to drink.

Yesterday was my birthday and when birthdays arrive for my wife Rene and I we do one of two things. We either go out to eat and celebrate another year of life or we choose one of our favorite meals and cook it at home. I chose to stay at home and eat some slow smoked barbecued pork with a side of garlic spinach and mushrooms. Popcorn was our dessert.

Ecclesiastes 11:1 cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.

Matthew 25:40 And the King will tell you. " Whatever you do for the least of these that you do unto Me. 

For me, I would say my meal was fit for a king, of which I am not. Before we ate we both sat down and gave thanks for the day and the food we were about to eat. Later while I was outside with our dogs hauling in some firewood I gave thanks for the warmth of a hot fire.

I counted my blessings and was content to sit later and doze off in a comfortable chair. God has been very good to Rene and me. Our church has a small food pantry and people donate food items to be given to those in need. I see people come with bags of food and place it in a cart weekly. I am proud to be part of a church which feeds those who need a little help.

I have been to parts of the world where one meal a day if even that much was all that some people had to look forward to. I recall a mission trip where we cooked beans and rice. Then we fed a large group of kids. I watched some of the older kids eat less so they could give more to their little siblings. Although that broke my heart, it also showed me the love a sibling has for a brother or sister who is hungry.

Friends, I want to say "hats off" to those who donate time, money, or food to help those in need.  I want to ask this. If you fasted one whole day, and are able to do so, could you take the cost of what you would have spent on your meals and turn it in to a food donation at your local food pantry. Or could you use the cash to prepare a meal for someone? Could you turn some dollars into beans and rice and send it off to feed a child you never met?

Think about it. If you have been blessed can you bless back in return.

Have a great day.


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