Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Anesthesiology Student And Prayer 2/2/2020

Good Morning,

I just sat down to a hot cup of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee. I have a small fire burning in the fireplace this morning to remove the dampness from the house. Both dogs are munching on a rawhide treat and they are very quiet this morning and content.

2 Timothy 2:1  TLB  Here are my directions: Pray much for others; plead for God's mercy upon them; give thanks for all He is gong to do for them. 

My wife Rene (Laurene) and I frequent a restaurant once or twice a month that just seems to be a good fit for us. The food is excellent and the service staff is always great. Recently we stopped in for our usual meals. Dry rubbed ribs  for me and a grilled chicken salad for Rene. On our drive to the dining emporium we were chatting and remarked how we have been there a few times now and hadn't seen Jessica one of the service staff in a few visits. We surmised that she possibly had found a different job or something like that. My thought was that she was possibly on a long vacation, seeing the world. We were both wrong and were happy to see her when we arrived on our last visit.  When we walked in she greeted us with a huge smile and said" Where have you two been"?

Jessica is a young lady who when she waits on you she really waits on you. You are greeted with a smile, she remembers your name, she pretty much knows what we will order and if I do have a change of mind I usually do it just to mess with her head. If it is not too busy she actually will sit for a minute at your table just to chat.  So we discussed how it could have been that we missed the nights she worked  and we still really haven't figured it out. It really doesn't matter. But during our conversation I asked her "what's new with you"?  Jessica replied, full of excitement that she was now going to school with the intent of becoming an Anesthesiologist. Now from working in healthcare, both of us knew that she has a long road ahead, with much study and hard work. In our opinion she would be a credit to the profession. She is very detail oriented in the job she has now, seems to be filled with compassion, and is sincere in her speech. I would trust her to put me to sleep and wake me up again, Lord willing.


My best attempt at forecasting what it will take to become a "gas passer" is four years of undergraduate study, four years of medical school, and four years of residency. Some medical students enroll in a combined six year undergraduate and medical school programs, which can reduce the time needed to begin a career.

So why am I writing about this today?  Friends, we all go places during the year and in many instances we go there more than once.  Jessica always treats us as if we were her only customers and you look forward to interacting with her. But, she shared something that is going on in her life and becoming a doctor is a huge undertaking. We listened and were happy for her. On our way home Rene said to me. "Jessica gets added to our prayer list.".I  agreed. You see God set her in our path for however long we don't know, but the least we can do is to pray for this young lady. We will pray for her health, rest, study recollection, drive to continue and finances. 

Friends, who did you meet today or yesterday or lately? God knew you would have an encounter with that person. Are you willing to pray for them and encourage them if possible? They might never know you are praying for them, or better yet tell them. On those long study nights, this young lady will know that someone is praying for her .

Have a great day,


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