Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Wrestler And His Dad 2/16/2020

Good Morning,

My, has this weekend flown by quickly. I will be heading to church shortly, but I know for sure that I will be traveling with another hot cup of Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee. This first cup of mine has warmed me right to the bones.

Proverbs 17:6 Grandchildren are a crown of the aged and parents are the pride of their children. 

One nice thing about social media is that it allows you to be part of the lives of friends who do not live near you. You can stay in contact and know when they need prayer. You can rejoice with them when it is time to rejoice or you can console and mourn with them when the time calls for it. I have many friends like that and I really enjoy reading their posts and at times from a long distance I can pull right along with them in their life's adventures.

I have one such pair of friends who served with us when we led the youth group at our church. They moved away quite a few years ago and social media has allowed us to keep in touch. I remember when they did not have children and now they have two who are fully grown and heading into the world to make an impact on it. It will be a positive impact. 

Today I write about Dad. We don't always agree on everything including some politics and especially his poor choice he made for his favorite football team. He has much to learn about quality there.
LOL. We needle each other a little during the season and it gets quite amusing from time to time. Both parents in my mind are two that I would want to raise my children in my absence. They are those kind of quality people. I have watched my friend back both of his children with his wife at his side for every volleyball tournament, football game and wrestling match. They back their kids with pride and enthusiasm. They have instilled the drive to win and in rare instances to accept a loss with dignity and respect. What I admire most about Dad is that he publicly praises his children and expresses his love for them. The family is seen hugging in public and displaying affection toward one another.

Yesterday their son ended a twelve year career in competitive wrestling and the message posted on social media was enough to make this tough guy have a hay fever attack in February. Remember friends, real men never cry, they just suffer from hay fever which causes eye leaks.

My point is this. Life is busy, families are broken, but we all need time to tell the kids in our lives, how much we love them, and how proud we are of them. If that young man is smart, and I know he is, he will print that message of affection, put it in his Bible and read it now and then. It will remind him to pass on the affection he received from Dad to his own children later in life.

Guys!! Step up, for the kids God placed in your life. Your children, your grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Let them know they are loved and the light is always on and they are welcome at anytime. Remember the ones who are fatherless or who's dads haven't amounted to much more than a pimple on a good mans back side The ones who don't back their kids. Step up and encourage those who don't receive any encouragement and praise from their dads. Attend a football game or a volleyball game or spelling bee. Let them know  that some male God sent their way is proud of them. Pray for them. Let them know they are loved. Ladies!!!! Do the same!!

Have a great day!!!


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