Sunday, February 23, 2020

Doing Nothing Isn't The Answer 2/23/2020

Good Morning,

It is a joy every morning just to wake up and smell the Door County Coffee brewing in the kitchen. Our home was built to be an open concept. So this morning wherever I am, the coffee aroma can tease my nose. I brew a pot of Peanut Butter Crunch and will serve it later. Rene and I are having a guest for breakfast and the coffee needs to be fresh.

James 4:17 Therefore,  to him who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is a sin.

Have you ever wondered why God exposes you to certain events? For instance if you believe in prayer and I most certainly do, what do you do when you drive past a car accident or see an ambulance speeding to a hospital? Just the incident alone has the parties involved on a nervous edge. It could also be that injuries were incurred. They may be minor or major life threatening injuries. Rene and I never pass by without praying. It's the least we can do. If the accident is new and authorities are not there to assist yet, we stop. A few car blankets have been left with distressed strangers over the years.

Not long ago on a cold, cold morning a little toddler had wandered away from home wearing, just some pajamas. The toddler was in freezing weather and the danger was real. There is street camera video of people seeing the child and then driving by without stopping. This child wasn't old enough to know the dangers of a busy street. A bus transit driver saw the child and pulled over. She scooped the child and took him or her into the warm bus and called authorities. This little buddy had escaped from grandma, who was frantically searching for this little Houdini. All ended well because someone did something to help.

It might be that you hear first hand that someone who through bad circumstances is starting over and doesn't even have a pot to boil water in let alone food to cook. You think about the shelf in your home where pots and pans are accumulating dust. Can you part with a couple or are you hoarding them so those who buried you will wonder why you kept them? God put you in a place to help others and show the love of Jesus by doing so. You can't help anyone once you enter the grave. The time to act is when you see a need. 

It was in the national news where a thug on the subway just started  beating an elderly man for reading his Bible. No one helped or stepped in. Really??? I saw the picture of the thug and one good man could have put that woman down in an instant. Two or three people, which there should have been would have easily restrained her. No one called the police. They took out those stupid cell phones and videoed the incident. Disgusting inability to act for the good of someone else.

Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.

Friends, you are where you are at the moment. God is right next to you and He sees what you see or hear. He also sees your inability to act. Doing nothing is never the answer. I repeat, failure to do good is never the answer. Never! God expects more of His children and that is why we are where we are!

So, get involved and make a positive difference in the lives of others. That little dude had someone who cared stop and change what could have happened. You too can be that hero. You just have to do something besides go "Oh My" and video the whole thing. 

God bless.


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