Friday, February 28, 2020

Down On Our Knees 2/28/2020

Good Morning,

Friday arrived right on time as usual. I am in need of a hot cup of Door County Roasted Pralines Coffee and some prayer time.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, ad turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive there sin and heal their land. 

I have been thinking a lot about our world lately and I will say this. We have allowed the media to take control of too much. I, as much as many people want to hear more about this coronavirus. But all we hear about it is doom and gloom from the media who have already caused a small panic. They continue to hype it up and any illness is serious especially when it causes deaths. I am not trying to minimize the impact of the virus. But in media hype they have already caused more damage. They talk of shortages and risks galore but have they consulted anyone but the scientists and the CDC? Have they asked anyone to lead the nations or world in prayer and televise it world wide?The answer is no. What are they afraid of?

They are afraid of what they do not know. They are afraid of seeing God at work,  promoting peace, and healing through prayer to Him. You see, God doesn't need to buy time from the media. The sun rises and God doesn't get the credit for it. "Mother Nature" provided the picturesque sunset or sunrise. Yet we all know there is no such thing as Mother Nature.

It is time for Christians to call on one another and meet to pray, cry out, and be heard in heaven. These things that are happening should bring us to prayer, not for a run to the store for masks and antibiotics. Yes friends if you are ill' see a doctor and take your medications. We work out to stay in shape, but do we meet to exercise our God given right to pray against the evil illnesses of the world?

If I ever need to replace my knee joints again I hope that the wear and tear on them is from praying.

It's time friends to meet and pray.



  1. My goodness Marty, you have hit that nail right between the eyes. I am at the point where I don't want to see the talking heads, much less listen to them. There is a weather system 1500 miles away and they're telling us how bad it will be, 12" or more snow, we get 4 to 5. They are now in the business of manufacturing news no longer reporting it.
    My news comes out of my"BIBLE", and it is all good.

    1. Ray. I want to say one thing here. Shame on us. We will discuss this in the service tonight.

  2. Most of the Media is part of the Antichrist spirit. We need to pray for discernment in these times because not all are of the seed of Abraham. But God wishes to save every last one that is lost that is His. We need to know when to war against the enemy and when to get on our knees and pray humbly. Our only hope we have in these times is to stay on our knees in prayer to our Lord. My heart breaks every day for the ones that are lost to the evil one. My tears know no end until we are with Him in the heavens. The hope is in the prayers of the righteous ones of God, the body of Christ. My prayer is for God to raise up His church in these latter days,remove the scales from their eyes and let their ears hear what is true. Unfortunately, Judgement starts with the house of the Lord. I pray for mercy, mercy, mercy from our God in these dire times. That His mercy, truth and spirit will reign down on His church, His bride. When we come together in prayer and strength, there is NOTHING that we cannot accomplish on earth that is His will in heaven. I pray these words with tears in the mighty holy name of Jesus, the Holiest of the Holiest. We must persevere until the end for the Glory of God.

    1. Well said my friend. We must again become a praying people and we need to stay that way. So many lost souls, so little time.
