Monday, February 10, 2020

Thankful For Great Neighbors 2/10/2020

Good Morning,

I just finished letting the dogs run around outside and my Door County White Christmas Coffee has finished brewing. It is now time to pray and write.

Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

I remember as a young kid our old neighborhood very well. We grew up on the South Side of Milwaukee Wisconsin.  We had some wonderful neighbors. As a matter of fact one of them was my aunt and her family. So not only a great neighbor, we had someone who loved us right next door. I  always considered that to be a special blessing.

But then there was that one guy, who lived behind her and diagonally behind us. That one guy who seemed to wake up and make it his goal to be a stinker to everyone. Heaven forbid if your ball went into his yard by accident or if he caught you picking your own lilacs. He had an opinion that was contrary to everyone else. You could try to be nice and shovel the snow ( I did it anyway) from his driveway and he would threaten to call the police and have you arrested for trespassing. His wife would chase him into the house and she would roll her eyes and say thank you. This was just one miserable guy. Later in life Rene and I purchased my parents home and thinking that this guy must have mellowed out over the years, never happened. We built a shed and stained it with an redwood coat. He reported us to the city (We had a building permit) for the shed color not conforming to his white garage. The city did not make us change the color and when they suggested to him that he try to be nice, he blew up at the inspector.  You get the picture.

Now I want to talk about yesterday. We had a heavy wet snowfall come through the territory and it snowed all day. Come about 5 PM I received a text message from one of our neighbors asking me if I needed help with the snow removal. I was just dressing to go outside and get it done when the message came. They knew that  I have been hobbling on a bad foot for a few days now. I declined the offer and was touched that they offered. I did let them know that I was going out and I would also be plowing out our neighbor to the South who are experiencing some health issues. The good Samaritans replied "We got it"!!  Wow when I came outside they had already started in on the neighbors house and Dad and the kids were human snow plows. My heart was warmed up from seeing God's love through others. Rene and I made short work of the mess and then noticed the lady who lives across the street was staring at her snow blower. It was obviously broken and she was going to have to shovel.  I went over with our equipment and finished the little bit she needed done.
She thanked me and said that she was hoping to get hers done and then come over by us and help out.

There are times when I am just amazed as to how God takes care of us. I saw His love for us and our neighbors through the actions of others and their good intentions.  I went to bed later, smiling, knowing that once again God blessed us.

What kind of neighbor are you? Are you a Mr Cranky Pants or someone who is a blessing to others? Do the kids in your neighborhood know they can count on you to throw the ball back or offer a safe haven if needed?

Food for thought.


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