Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Comfort Of Your Chair, Your Church, and Your !!!? 2/29/2020

Good Morning,

I write to you this morning while watching the sun lighten the sky. Our den faces East and the pink horizon looks wonderful to me. I am enjoying a cup of Door County Vanilla Creme' Brulee Coffee.

John 13:35  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. 

We just had a tragedy in the major city we live near. Another mass shooting took place at a local place of business which employs a large amount of people in the city. I know for sure that many who read this have prayed for the survivors, the victim's families  and the business also. I have prayed for the shooter's family also. I have done this all from the comfort of my chair, bed, and while driving. Tonight we will pray I am sure for the incident and all involved from the comfort of our church.

This is all good and every prayer is heard from above. Please do not think that I am throwing darts at these prayers of the faithful. Tragedy struck and evil hit hard. On Monday hundreds will go back to work in a place that was violated by evil. I can only imagine what will be on their minds and the heaviness that will be on their hearts. They will never forget the day that the shots fired from a gun by evil changed their world.

I for one will always think about the day of evil when I drive by or see the company sign while sitting in our stadium parking lot, tailgating  before a baseball game.

During times like these God's people who represent Him on Earth are to rise up and show those who are hurting the Love of Jesus. We need to leave our chairs, our pews, and our precious comfort and get active and motivated. The evil of depression and horror is on that place and in the hearts of many who work there. We must continue to pray for them. On Monday the streets will be filled with those going back to work, and the media will be there like hair on a dog. To me to be there would be just adding to the confusion. I will be praying on Monday for sure at home.

But tomorrow morning ( Sunday 6:AM) I will be there as the sun comes up to pray for the workers, the families of the victim, and for the shooters family. I will pray in the name of Jesus to dispel the heaviness of evil from the plant and the campus. and I am hoping that a few people will join me. Satan needs to see a praying people united  in love for those he attacked.

Friend's God gave us feet and we are to use them and represent Him when things like this happen. They must see the love of God through the actions of the church. When tragedy strikes are you stuck in the pew ( stink) of your own laziness to do more than wait on the pastor to pray and have a moment of silence?  or do you move to where the action is?

Food for thought.


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