Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Stuck In A Rut 2/19/2020

Good Morning,

This day started with some wonderful memories, prayer and a large mug of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee. For quite awhile I had our two dogs Leo and Gibbs laid out on my feet keeping my toes toasty warm.  They moved on and are sound asleep after running outside for awhile. It is time to write.

James 1:7-8 For that person should not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double minded man unstable in all his ways. 

My wife Rene and I like to go out to eat now and then and we usually frequent 3 different places and usually do not try much in the way of "new to us" food emporiums. When we do venture outside of our comfort zone we always say that we are "stuck in a rut" and need to change.

That is not the rut I want to talk about.  Friends, we all too often try to balance two lives. There is the life that strives for goodness, love, grace and dignity. In essence we want to live a life pleasing to God. Then there is the other part of our life that we just keep dragging with us and it seems to always pull us back in. It is the life of the little sins we like to keep. In some instances these are physical addictions or attractions of the mind that we lose and then come back to.

It's like driving a shiny new car with one wheel in the rut and the other three on the highway. Sooner than later that one wheel pulls us into the ditch and dirties us up. Left long enough in the ditch and we become stuck in it, which is a real mess. Friends this is what God warns us about. Do not be double minded. We need to sort all that we say and do over in our hearts and minds and toss the things that pull us into a rut of dirt and folly. Have you ever wondered what life would be like if everyone honored God and His capacity to be everywhere? Just think about it. When you struggle with alcohol and a beer with your fish fry just sounds so right and you go ahead and take that first sip. He is next to you. We lessen our opinion of God and treat Him as if He can't see all that we do. The one beer takes us down into the rut and before you know it a couple after work sounds good too. We cry out when the law takes our drivers license away for driving intoxicated, We pray and ask God to lessen the punishment. We don't want to believe that possibly He wants us to be punished. We think that our Good Buddy will overlook our crime of driving in the rut and rescue us. Perhaps the punishment is part of His plan to rescue us and clean us up.

We all know our sins that we like to keep. If we are sinning, we are at war with God. If we aren't for Him all the time we must be against Him.

So today, like we all do now and then with our possessions, sort, keep the good, and toss those things in our life that so easily drag us down.

God bless,



  1. I see those little sins that are" harmless" in our eyes, which so easily drag us away from the God Who loves us.
