Saturday, February 15, 2020

By The Light Of The Fireplace 2/15/2020

Good Morning,

It is still dark outside as I write today. I have two English Springer Spaniels at my feet this morning. One is sound asleep and the other one is watching every move I make, so he doesn't miss me taking  a trip into the kitchen. My mug is filled with Door County Coconut Cupcakes Coffee and now it is time to write.

I was awake for awhile now and the first thing I did this morning was to make a small fire in the fireplace. I am writing by the glow of the fire. I sat in the dark praying before writing today just watching the logs burning slowly. It was a time of peace and tranquility for me. My wife Rene is still asleep so my thoughts, prayers, dogs, and coffee mug were my companions in the early morning.

As I prayed and gave thanks to God He reminded me that although the house was dark, and the dogs were motionless, there was more to the morning than what met my eyes. He was with me and although I was enjoying my quiet time I was not really alone.

Jeremiah 23:24  Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? Declares the Lord.  do I not fill heaven and the Earth? Declares the Lord. 

Friends our God is right next to me as I write and He is sitting next to you as you read right now. It is an amazing attribute of God for Him to be everywhere and then I was also reminded that He has angels watching over us. Those thoughts were like adding an extra blanket to my bed on a cold, cold night. That feeling of security and warmth when that extra blanket is pulled up around your ears and you drift off to sleep.  My morning was great. But for some of you barely treading the storms of life, if just for a moment you can know and embrace the fact that God knows the situation and is with you in every step. You are not alone.

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, And he delivers them. 

As you read this and I don't know who will, add this to your day. I am praying for all of you who will read this and you are loved.

God bless,



  1. Marty, I read your blog earlier this morning and then went to "Behold your God". It is with this study that I begin to see how little I know of Him and how much He cares for His creation.
