Sunday, October 18, 2015

Woke Up, And Something Smelled Great! 10/18/2015

Good Morning,

In this part of the world we woke up to a heavy coating of icy frost. To me it is a picture perfect day to be drinking Door County Apple Cobbler Coffee. I stayed outside with the back yard lights on for thirty minutes and read my Bible. That crisp air felt good!

Ephesians 5:2New King James Version (NKJV)
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.

No hunting for me this morning, later this afternoon works out better for me and my partner. When the dog woke me up with a nudge I could smell something coming from the kitchen. I knew it couldn't be the coffee yet and Rene had left for work at 4:AM so she wasn't baking anything. I had forgotten that I started a crock pot full of beef vegetable soup last night and it was set to start cooking when Rene headed off to work. The blended aroma of vegetables, spices and beef filled the house.

God wired us with the faculties of five senses, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. I would not want  to miss any one of the five. But today we will talk about smell.

That pot of soup gave away such a beautiful aroma this morning and my nose picked up on it right away. The pleasing smell took my mind to a happy place within seconds. I believe the happy place aroma theory is what sells millions of dollars worth of scented candles and aroma dispensing gadgets every year. We all like a good whiff of something that smells good.

Now our noses can also detect foul odors. Notice the words change from aroma to odor, what smells good, to what stinks when the scent is bad.

People also spend millions each year if not billions on scented soaps, body washes, deodorants, perfumes and after shave.  I am an Old Spice kind of guy. If Dad hadn't worn that stuff I might not be here. We work at presenting our bodies as a smell good area.

Just as the soup started to cook and that wonderful aroma started to fill the house, it made an impression on me. It hopefully will linger a little into the day ( I am sure it will) and Rene will also be able to enjoy that comfort.

When we enter a room and encounter others, what spiritual or attitude aroma arrives with us? Are people glad we showed up? When we leave, what impression is expressed on their faces? When we interact with others are we considered the "diaper gone bad" in the room, or the scented lilac that everyone waits to smell each spring? We are to be walking in love. If that is the case and we obey, our arrival should enhance the day for others. Each place should be made a better place because of us being there.

Today you can choose to be a skunk or a rose bud.

You make the call.


1 comment:

  1. True. but it made me laugh out loud today. Thanks, I needed that.
