Thursday, October 22, 2015

Throw Back Thursday??? 10/22/2015

Good Morning,

I went to work out last night and now I am a little sore. But that is a good kind of sore and my cup of Door County Maple Coffee helps me wash down the Advil. I love that coffee is a multi-purpose beverage.

People like to post on social media old pictures or memories and call it "Throw Back Thursday." I enjoy looking at those posts and get a laugh from them now and then.

I really have no memory of my great grandparents, except for what I was told about them from my grandparents, my Dad and my Aunt. My Dad says that I remind him of his grandmother because I use large amounts of black pepper in my soup, the same as she did. Now if you add $1.00 to that bit of information I can get a small cup of coffee somewhere. Not too important, is that bit of knowledge. I know for a fact that they were Italian and I probably inherited my love for pasta and marinara from that side of the family. I know very little about their faith. The only written history that I have collected was my great grandfather's Bible which is written in Italian. What I did find inside were notes to him from his daughters in English, written when they were very young. What I could tell from these notes were several things. These two loved Papa. They had high regard for him and a lot of respect. The notes were written on cards they must have received at church. The notes had Bible verses written on them. So it tells me that He was a man of faith, and it was important to him that his daughters observed their faith. It is a shame that people never kept journals back then of notes, thoughts and advice for their future families. I saw his legacy through the lives of his daughters.
I keep a journal that will get passed on to our daughter upon my death. She already knows what is important to me. But I want to place one last emphasis on things, let her look into my heart, and let her and her family know well into the future that they were loved. Family I may never meet might know my love for God and my love for them.
Deuteronomy 4:9    
"Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons.

Take note, literally. Pass on what you know, what you believe, leave a memory and a legacy.

God bless,


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