Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday Morning Bacon 7/6/2014

Good Morning,

I awoke to a very mild morning, the sun is shining, a slow breeze is blowing through the house and there are birds chirping everywhere. The quiet is something I am enjoying along with a big cup of Door County Red Velvet Mocha Coffee.


We attend church on Saturday's at Faith Bible Church in Greenfield Wisconsin. Very often my wife is working at the medical center on Sunday's. Today is an exception. We are both home and our grandson who has been with us for about a month must fly home to Florida later today. Most of the time we are cereal type people at breakfast time. Dom Likes Lucky Charms. Rene is a big Cheerios fan and I eat oatmeal. A few times this month however when we have been traveling and were able to eat breakfast at a restaurant I noticed that Dom likes bacon with whatever he orders which was usually pancakes and chocolate milk.

So today Papa is making bacon (Neuske's maple smoked)and pancakes. This has caused me to go back in my memory bank of Dominick and recall breakfasts with him when he was a little boy. The days of Mickey Mouse pancakes or Krispy Kreme doughnuts with sprinkles seem to be gone. I hear he now frequents Starbucks not for what I would call coffee but one of their "coffee malts".

You see the little boys has grown. He has a way to go yet but he actually needs and wants meat. I also recall watching him slip ham into his pockets so he could toss it later because "he was not a fan of ham". This was his way of saying I really don't like ham. I think that if he stuffs bacon into his pockets now it will be for a snack later.

Friends we are all expected to grow in our faith too. If you are satisfied with just attending church and listening to a message once a week, you are really only drinking milk and are stuck on your faith growth chart. By now you should desire more. More time in God's word (Bible) learning to feed yourself, more time in prayer, and by now seeking to serve others in love. No one can really grow with a sugar coated meal once a week. You need the meat that comes with growth.

1 Corinthians 3:2 CEB
I gave you milk to drink instead of solid food, because you weren't up to it yet.

Hebrews 5:12 CEB
Although you should have been teachers by now, you need someone to teach you an introduction to the basics about God's message. You have come to the place where you need milk instead of solid food.
Friends, it is time to put on your big boy and big girl pants and grow in your faith and love for the Lord. It's amazing, you might even get to extend your bedtime and stay up later. LOL.
God bless,

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