Saturday, July 26, 2014

Stop And Smell The Coffee 7/26/2014

Good Morning,

I can smell the coffee brewing. That pot will be filled with my last packet of Door County White Christmas Coffee. Giving myself a little treat today. Just a few chores to do this morning and then it's time to touch up a few duck decoys with my nephew.
That's what I like about Saturdays. I wake up at the same time no matter what. My internal clock is set for 5am. I also have a furry friend that will remind me that it is time for breakfast. It's hard to turn down a wet nose and a wagging tail. But instead of rushing out of the door with my coffee in my hand I can move slower and enjoy the smell and taste of the coffee, pet our dog and sit outside or at a window and watch the world wake up. I can enjoy my quiet time and pray.

We all know that many of my Saturdays are spent in the duck marsh. After all the decoys are set, the same routine happens. Coffee nice and slow, prayer, clearing of the mind and of course the dog is there.
We all need time to slow down and enjoy our surroundings. Maybe it is just drinking coffee out of one of your favorite cups. Reading and studying God's Word is always better when you can go slowly and savor it. Maybe it's some time to look at old photos and laugh. Maybe it's time to look at an old gift ( my thermos bottle) remember who gave it to you and some of the days you used it and enjoyed having it.
On my desk I have another one that was given to me by my family. It has never seen a cup of coffee on the inside. They had it stenciled with my name on it. It is way too nice to use. But each morning when I am at the desk writing about coffee I think about those guys. It makes me smile.
So where is this heading and how does it apply? Take time to slow down, enjoy some good things that bring you peace and happiness. Find time to pray and listen in the quiet. The day will be what it is and it might not even be peaceful. But you can retreat for a little while and rest. You owe it to yourself.

Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Have a great day.


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