Sunday, July 27, 2014

My Foot Hurts 7/27/2014

Good Morning World,

This morning I have filled my mug with Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee. It is a heavy but smooth coffee that contains spices and vanilla.

Later today I will be making a hospital visit to see an old friend and then spend some quality time with my nephews shooting some clay targets. Duck season is right around the corner and I need to get my shooting eye back.

Philippians 4:4-8New Living Translation (NLT)
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.[a]
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

I want to talk about a little lady and her husband. Their names are Howard and Mary. Both of them are members of our church and have been for a long, long time. As long as I can remember Mary has been disabled and in a wheel chair. To say the least life has been a struggle. Howard has always been right by her side taking care of her needs. They have been married for over fifty years. I see them weekly and actually see Howard a little more often. Mary's care needs and Howard's age forced them to make a decision and Mary now resides at a nursing facility where she can obtain more care than Howard can provide.

But every week like clock work, Howard picks her up in their van and brings her to church. She sits through choir practice and listens to the hymns. Then she sits through our Saturday evening service. She always has a smile and when you ask her how she is doing she says "fine". For as many years as I have known  Mary, I have never heard her complain.
A few church members like to go out to eat  after the service. I have been with them a few times. Mary just goes wherever they all decide to go and is just fine with anything. Howard helps her get her plate ready and she does just great. She is happy to be out and with friends.

Last night our monthly prayer service was held after the worship service. Guess who stays when they are able to? Mary and Howard!!!!! It gets to be a long night and she goes without eating until late. Mary and Howard come to pray for others. There have been times that I wonder where all the able bodied people are for the prayer service, and stand amazed at these two for their commitment. But last night was a first. While taking in prayer requests Mary spoke up and said "I have one. My foot hurts." Her foot has an ulcer and it is wrapped. It is painful to say the least. She was not complaining. She had been their awhile praying for others while she herself was in pain. What an unselfish soul! She put others before herself. When it came around to Howard for his requests to be prayed for, he didn't have any. He said " I want to talk about some praises we have experienced". Howard went on to tell us about a couple of things we have been praying for and how  some miracles they experienced happened. They both praised god for the miracles.

Despite their hardships they were praising God and putting others first. Mary's foot was prayed for immediately and people rejoiced with Howard. These two have it tough but yet they bring joy and happiness to others. That is the first time that Mary has requested prayer for herself. I am sure that many people pray for them without the two knowing about it.

So here is the point. They struggle, but you wouldn't know it from them. They have to live apart now but cherish the time they are together and with friends or family. They don't bring people down. They always bring people up. Their suffering isn't an excuse to make others miserable.

Don't you wish we could all be like them? Can people tell when you are having a bad day. Do you always have to bring others down where you are? Do people have to know when you are in pain? Does tragedy last forever and make you ugly to be with?

I myself have been part of those bad traits listed above from time to time. I wish I could be more like my two friends.

It is a choice to make when life pulls us down to not pull others with us. It is a choice to make when life pulls us down to lift up others while we are down. It is a choice to make to praise God despite our circumstances and bring others up.

Well enough said. Time for another cup of coffee.

God bless,

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