Monday, May 6, 2024

Wild Flowers And Busses 5/6/2024

 Good Morning,

I am looking forward a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Raspberry Coffee in a few minutes and some Cheerios with blueberries on top for breakfast.

Yesterday was a very busy day for a Sunday and I enjoyed every minute of it. My wife started planting her annual flower gardens. We were sharing a bottle of water next to one of the flower plots and she remarked that the wild flowers were not coming up as quickly as they usually do. I had noticed that myself last week. 

I made the mistake of saying this to her. "Usually they are spreading like weeds by now." Rene gently reminded me that "wild flowers are not weeds, They are only weeds if they are growing where they shouldn't be". 

I thought that statement through and it can be applied to children and adults. When a child or an adult is in a wholesome environment they flourish and grow into the person, God intended them to be. Now a child or an adult who lives in a less than stellar environment laced with evil, has the likelihood to grow into that type of lifestyle. People will grow in any environment, but which environment will they be growing into? 

Churches used to go out on Sundays and pick kids up at their home and take them to a wholesome and nurturing environment. ( The Bus Ministry) Then after a breakfast, some Bible verses, and some fun they were returned home. It seems now that the churches minister best and most to the folks who walk in to their church. I am seeing less of actual outreach and more of the ministry of  in-reach. 

You can't hope for a change if at least for one day a week the environment changes. Meeting on that same day some felt needs for that person, which just might be a meal. 

Food for thought. Where are the busses?



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