Friday, May 31, 2024

Uncle Jimmer To The Rescue. 5/31/24

 Good Morning,

My cup of coffee will need to be in an airport today. My wife Rene and I are taking a long overdue trip. 

We are taking an extended trip and I am sure I will be using the trip as a background for my blog for a few days. In order to take the trip we had to make plans as to what we were going to do with our dogs and house while we were away. Our youngest dog Leo was the easiest to plan for. He has been staying at a kennel receiving some extra hunting training and earning a few awards for his prowess as a hunter. Then came our older dog Gibbs. Gibbs is a senior citizen now and a day or two at a kennel is ok, bit 11-12 days is too much for the old guy. I decided to call my brother Jim ( Uncle Jimmer to family) and ask if he would house sit and take care of our furry buddy. Jimmer responded with a yes and I then began to rest better knowing that that Gibbs would not have to leave the comfort of home. Leo is excelling and will be home the day after we return. 

Jim received the nick name Jimmer from our aunts when He was about ten years old. It has stuck with him since then. Jimmer has been known to rescue family members now and then. He was always available to rescue our daughter from her mean parents. Kristy would call him and complain about dinner. Uncle Jimmer would show up and take her to Wendy's for something more to her liking. I think that maybe, just maybe, he spoiled her a little. 

Ecclesiastes 4:12 ESV And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him. 

My point for the day is this. I have family that can be called on and if at all possible we show up for each other. Family and friends are a gift from God and to be cherished. Make sure to thank them and thank God for blessing you with family. I bet we all have an Uncle Jimmer in our lives. 


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