Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Ducks Are Comfortable 5/29/2024

 Good Morning, 

It is a good morning to start with a hot cup of Door County Grasshopper Coffee and it is time to write. 

Romans 13:10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

As I was sitting at my desk the other day in deep thought I glanced out of our window and looked over to our neighbor's pool. Splashing around in the water were four mallard ducks just as happy as could be. I chuckled to myself and said. "If they only new that an avid duck hunter lived next door"

Of course hunting is prohibited in our community and I have to travel to another county to hunt in the fall. So my neighbor's freeloading friends are safe and sound. They are actually quite amusing. 

My point for the day is this. The ducks have found a place of refuge and rest. They are safe from predators and (hunters). They come to our bird feeder now and then to dine on some corn that spills to the ground. 

But do the kids in your neighborhood know you? Would they run to your home in an emergency if they were in need of aid? Do your neighbors know you well enough to tell their kids to run to you if they are in need or feel endangered?

When I was a young boy, I could name at least four neighbors who would shelter us and provide what we needed in an emergency. Now very often, neighbors are strangers to one another. It is a real shame that we can't name the kids in our immediate circle anymore.  Do we get so engrossed in our busyness that we fail to observe the street in front of us for issues. The ducks seem to know where to go  for shelter and some food.  Too bad we cannot always do that for humans. 

Food for thought. 


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