Monday, May 27, 2024

Freedom At A Heavy Cost 5/27/2024

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk pretty early this morning and I have been awake since 3 AM. I welcomed my hot mug of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee with open arms a few minutes ago. 

John 15:13 KJV Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 

Today in America we honor those who have fallen in defense of our nation throughout our existence as a country. We honor those who were killed while they defended the freedom of other nations. I would be very wrong and sorrowful if I did not remember the families of the fallen as well. The mothers and fathers who lost a child in battle. The spouse who's husband or wife did not come home. The loss of life in war has a huge impact on the families and friends of the fallen. Nothing will ever be the same for them. And as proud as they are of their loved one for making the ultimate sacrifice the hurt still cuts deeply through their hearts. My prayers are with them on this day.

I will not close without mentioning the those who during battle held their buddy, friend and comrade as they took their final breath. They all have experienced the terror of the war first hand and the death that is always so final. Their memories of the fallen are etched in their hearts for ever.

Take some time today to pray and thank God for those who defended us and others and fought unselfishly that we might experience the freedoms we have. Pray for their families and friends who will forever mourn. 


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