Monday, May 13, 2024

Reaching For The Power Cord 5/13/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began with some prayer and a very hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee. I think I will have some Cheerios and dried cherries for breakfast later.

Luke 5:16 NKJV So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. 

My wife Rene and I took a three day mini vacation this last weekend. We visited Door County Wisconsin. It was supposed to be a time of rest, yet we found ourselves going, going and going again. We visited all our favorite places and stopped for a few photo opportunities here and there. My lap top did not get a rest either. I would still get up early, to study and pray. I also kept on blogging each morning. I operated my lap top off of the battery which is a god thing to do now and then, just to exercise the battery. At least that is what I have been told. I finally plugged it back in last night and it surely needed a charge. The battery was down and in need of a power source. 

My thought for this morning is this. Like a machine that has been worked to it's limits and used up all of it's stored energy, we might need to be plugged back into the "power source." During my time away I did just that. I had more time for prayer and time of reflection.  Even a battleship needs time to restock, rewind, and fill it's fuel tanks. In order to stay in good spiritual condition, now and then we have to lay down our sword and take off our helmet and recharge by spending extra quiet time with God, more prayer, and and more time in the Word. Not only do we need rest for our bodies, and our souls now and then, we also need to plug in and recharge the spiritual batteries. 

Reach for the power source, and recharge for awhile. 

God bless,


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