Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Day My World Began, Thinking About Mom.5/12/2024

 Good Morning,

I am relaxed and very comfortable sitting at a table in Door County Wisconsin drinking a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. It is a good time to write.

Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb.

None of us can recall what it was like the day we were born. We were there , but we will never remember who we saw first, what the room was like or if we cried right away or later. We had just left the security of our mother's womb and opened our eyes and the world welcomed us. As we reached the age of being a toddler we began to explore things more and more and we might even recollect a memory or two. If photos were taken, they sometimes help stimulate the memories. 

Most babies know when mom is not around and they cry for her to return. Nothing but mother will do. They might not know anything at all, but they know mom for sure. For nine months, mom was the meal wagon, the heartbeat that calmed any fears, and a warm place to live. Later, mom was the educator, disciplinarian, still the meal wagon, and the one who loved you no matter how sassy you were. 

My mom has been gone now for over a decade and I still miss her bread rolls, her more than strong coffee, and a joke or two shared on the phone. I wish I could thank her for all the meals she made, the blue jeans she mended, the clean house, and now and then the slap upside of my head that was needed. 

I wouldn't mind going back to 1957 and being able to see her smile as an adult, and get a hug just like a little baby boy. Mom would be twenty years old again, and I would be 67. It would be fun just to tell her to "mind her elders".

I wish to challenge you all today. If possible visit your mom. If you can, call her. If she stopped the world for a moment to take an eternal rest, remember her and you try to recall the day your world began. Hopefully you have a photo to help that cause!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there. God bless.


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