Saturday, May 25, 2024

My Birthday Girl 5/25/2024

 Good Morning,

I am on the road again early this morning. A little dog training is on my agenda for this day. My mug is filled with Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and it is time to write. 

Proverbs 31:10 An excellent wife, who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. 

Today is my wife's birthday and to be honest we have never missed celebrating the day she was born. We take celebrating life very seriously in this house. The celebrations have not always been lavish or expensive productions. And there have been some times when we put on the Ritz and stepped out on the town. This year will be a quiet celebration and very low key. Rene requested low key and she gets her wish. 

For me, I will take some time to thank God for her. He knew before her and me, that she would be my wife and my best friend. I remember the first time we celebrated her birthday right after the Revolutionary War. We were engaged already and we went out to eat at a restaurant on the shore of Lake Michigan. It was an elegant dinner. Rene declined dessert after our dinner, so we headed out to take her home.  On the way home, I said something about not having any dessert. That's when my birthday girl said she still desired a dessert, but would like to have a scoop of vanilla custard from a local drive in stand. 

It's those things that keep us celebrating life together, but doing it our way. Happy Birthday Babe!



  1. Seeing that you have a picture óf Leon,s I hope you took our dog Leo for a well deserved treat!!!

    1. He is still.out competing. When he gets home on two weeks it's off to Leons
