Friday, May 10, 2024

Nurses Week 5/10/2024

 Good Morning, 

I will be drinking my Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee from inside my truck today and it is time to write. 

2 Chronicles 15:7 But you take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded. 

This last week was National Nurses Week in our country. I worked for many years in the health care arena and I worked with hundreds of nurses. I was not working in a clinical area at all, but I interfaced with nurses just about every day. I had my job to do and they had theirs. In my many years I had the pleasure of getting to know quite a few better than some of the others. Of course we had many meetings each day and I recall sitting in those meetings and you could at times see some pretty tired eyes looking back at you. 

I am thankful for those women and men who dedicate a lot of hours doing what they do, and how they are able to muster a smile even when they are totally exhausted. Caring, respect, patience and love is not taught in nursing school. It is a gift within every nurse to be that one who gives more, when there is not much more to give. 

Nurses, I appreciate all of you more than I ever said while working with you and you have a special place in my heart.

God bless.


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