Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Bet It Won't Start 5/16/2024

 Good Morning,

It is a cold morning today and my cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee is helping warm me up from the inside out.  I think it is time to write. 

Proverbs 21:20 There is desirable treasure, and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man squanders it.

My wife Rene and I are tend to stop in any antique emporium we come across in our travels. Rene showed  me the fun of looking for something that can be restored or added to her dish collection. I just humored her when she asked me if I would go with her to a flea market of antiques when we just started dating a thousand years ago. I went along to see why she was interested in antiques and it was an excuse just to be around my new girl friend. 

Over the years we have restored or repurposed items and use them in our home, or we give them away as gifts. Last weekend, while taking a break from work and home we traveled north in our state and along the way stopped at several antique shops. Rene was scouting for additions to her dish collections and I was taking pictures of different things for my blog. Of course there were two stops last weekend for ice cream cones. I guess shopping for antiques is always better when there is a rest stop for ice cream. 

One particular shop has a collection of old tractors outside and along with that there is a very old automobile. I can't even tell you the make and the model. But it is old! Rene took a look at it and said "What do you think? Could you get this shined up and running?" I replied with "I believe you are crazy. It's good for a photo and no you can't take it home and plant flowers in it." That statement both had us laughing and we moved on to other parts of this northern county. Honestly the vintage auto was in pretty good shape but definitely not going home with us. 

My point for today was that I just do not possess the skills to take on this type of restoration. I suppose I could learn how to restore the old relic, but to be honest, I have no desire to take on a big project like that.  It would have been an expensive lesson on  making a foolish purchase for us. Maybe someone else would take on the project and do a great job. 

We all should know our limitations and set boundaries on our spending foolish money on things that just won't happen. I could just see our daughter closing out our estate some day and wondering, " how do I get rid of this old car, I bet it won't even start." 

Friends, spend wisely and save some money for an ice cream stop or two.

God bless,


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