Thursday, May 30, 2024

That Feels Weird 5/30/2024

 Good Morning,

I am up and sipping on a cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee at my desk as I write.

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. 

What a strange feeling to wake up and not be thinking about going to work and not have to think about it for tomorrow either. I am officially retired now and it feels strange to me. I have had some form of a job since I was in the 7th grade. Yes there were vacations and one time of being out of work for nine months, but that was filled in with a multitude of odd jobs until health care found me for 38 years. Recently I worked in the water management arena  and just knew that it was time to retire. 

It just feels weird not to be answering work emails this morning, or planning the day. I have nowhere to rush to. I have lots to do today personally, but nothing that I can call a job. I guess I still report to God every day and now have a forewoman to help plan my days  (wife). I wonder if I will ever adjust to not working at a job? Only time will tell. 

I do have a book I want to start and finish and a hike that needs to be completed. I have been saying I was going to do that for 10 years. My "honey do" list needs to get done! And I have a boat that needs a paint job. I have some firewood to split. Oops, sounds like work to me!

I am grateful to God for every hour of work I was given that helped us to live comfortably. I bet sometime down the road He might have something He would like for me to do. 

Weird is a good feeling.
