Sunday, May 19, 2024

Not Much At First, But 5/19/2024

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot mug of Door County Brownie Batter Coffee this fine morning. It is time to write. 

Ecclesiastes 7:8 Better is the end of a thing than it's beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. 

Yesterday our youngest dog completed all the requirements to gain his Master Hunter Title. In all the tests for the last three years he has not failed once. I never dreamed that Leo would do this when we first brought him home. He was an energetic puppy, yet not too coordinated. I told my wife after having Leo around for a month that I thought he would be an average hunter, and a good family pet. I was content with that. But as Leo grew, he started to show a flair for retrieving and flushing game birds and fowl. We invested in some extra training and a day does not go by at home without at least a 15-30 minute fun and training session. 

 My wife was right when she advised me not to compare him to the present older dog and those dogs we owned in the past. Rene said "Don't judge him too quickly, and give him the same chance as the other dogs to grow and excel." She was right and Leo proved her to be his biggest fan. 

My point for the day is this. We should not jump to conclusions about people until we invest time and training in them. A slow starter could be the most loyal person in the long run. Everyone just needs a chance to prove themselves. Patience is not my greatest attribute, but showing patience with Leo was rewarded yesterday. 

Someone needs for you to show them some patience. Someone needs a little extra time and training. Someone needs your support and for you to cheer them on. Give them a chance and a little more of your time. You won't regret it. Do good while you can!
