Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Let's Talk About Reality 5/8/2024

 Good Morning, 

I am waiting for the Door County Bourbon Vanilla Cream Coffee to finish brewing and a little later I  will have a large cup to drink as I study for awhile. I am thinking about a quick trip to Door County just to have a burger and a malt very soon. 

I ran into a fella yesterday who I knew back in 1978 and for a couple of years after that. When we were chatting we reconnected about a few years that we happened to work together. The company endured a labor strike and then a tough recession . The company never really recovered and many jobs were lost. That was over forty years ago. After listening to him talk, it was clear that he was still hurting and angry about losing his job and having to start over. He had nothing good to say about the company officials nor the union representatives.

His language wreaked of bitterness and unforgiveness. He attributed a bad marriage to the loss of his job as well as any and every health issue he had. In his mind the divorce was all caused by the lack of a good job. I said what I should have. "It was nice to see you again. I will pray for you." But as I walked away I recalled working with him back in the day and he was always complaining about the work we did and how the company was a bad place to work. He used to complain about his wife and very often would call her some nasty names while speaking about her. 

He was never content or happy during those years, and he never had anything positive to say about anyone or anything. It seemed to me that he did not accept any responsibility for his failed marriage. He didn't appreciate or like his job until after it was gone. 

I think he is a terminal complainer. One who complains all the time and dodges responsibility for some of life's issues, requires a change of heart. In all reality a change of heart is the only way to set that life on the right track. 

Psalm 51:10 Create in me, O God and renew a right spirit within me. 

Ezekiel 36:26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

Angry, lacking contentment, unable to forgive, carrying a grudge? Call on God and ask for a clean slate and a change of heart. You are missing out on a lot by blaming others, not forgiving, and not moving forward. Who would want to be stuck in unhappiness since 1980?

God bless,


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