Monday, October 16, 2023

Teamwork Is A Blessing 10/16/2023

 Good Morning,

My day started with a hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee and prayer. So it is time to write.

Psalm 133:1 behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity

This weekend afforded me the privilege of seeing teamwork on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I was able to goose hunt with some young guys and the weather was more than wet. From the time we decided to hunt on Friday right up until the end of the hunt Saturday, the motto was it's a team effort. We pooled resources, including car pooling. The young fellas were like pack mules and they pulled sleds a 1/4 mile through mud and rain. The sleds were filled with all of our gear. Decoys were set with all hands on deck. The blinds were erected and set in place. They were then covered with fresh foliage to make our spot look like a tree island in the middle of a cut bean field. Two guys cut the brush on Friday night! All the effort paid off with plenty of geese being shot and set for the roaster.

On Sunday, my wife Rene and I decided to tackle the chore of picking the apples off of our trees. Our trees did not produce a lot of apples this year so the chore was not all that bad. Our neighbor to the South has two apple trees as well. She had mentioned that they needed to be picked. One of those trees is overloaded with apples. Rene and I decides to just go and start picking and boxing them for her. Our neighbor Donna had expressed that she wanted to share some apples with the people from church. I knew there would be some interest in these nice baking apples. The assisted living home on the other side of us will always take apples and turn them into bakery for the residents. So as we headed over to pick from Donna's trees she met us outside and the three of us went about picking apples. Before too long we had picked and boxed many, many apples. The apples will produce some smiles from a few folks. 

The teamwork of this weekend is a perfect example of what can happen when all unite and take on a good and worthy goal. Thanksgiving dinners will probably have some goose served to the table. I know we will enjoy an apple pie or apple sauce and a few other families will enjoy the same thing. 

I thank God for family and friends that made this weekend a huge success. I am proud to say I hang around with some hard workers. 

Teamwork is best when it is enjoyed with friends and family. Teamwork also makes friends of strangers. So let's go family and friends and keep the teamwork rolling.


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