Sunday, October 8, 2023

My Elusive Dreams 10/8/2023

 Good Morning,

I am running behind this morning. My wife and I made a trip to the hospital last night with her mother. Everything is ok now. We just spent a few hours in the emergency department and that ran quite late. So with a large cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Coffee next to me, it is really time to write. 

Isaiah, 49:16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. 

In life we start very early to form dreams of things we want to accomplish or see happen in our lifetime. As a little boy I would dream of going to Disney Land. Well that dream came true when I was in my twenties, and it wasn't Disney Land I went to, but Disney World was just as good. The dream was altered and the timing was not what I hoped for. A boyhood dream was to play football for the Green Bay Packers football team. That dream was just what it was, a dream. I am like many people who dream of things that we  really desire to see happen, and sometimes we come close, but the dream slips away. 

I never dreamed of building a house. I always dreamed of buying a home that we desired, moving in and living there for a long time. But I found myself building a house that was just what we wanted. Later in life I finally figured it out. I was recalling the building process and how difficult it was. My wife Rene reminded me how much she enjoyed the process even though it was difficult. "We worked side by side to make it happen. it is paid for and it has lots of good memories and more to come."

We can dream all kinds of things and we can pray for all kinds of things. Did God answer my prayer. In a way?  Yes He did. I made it to a Disney park, but just a different location. I eventually had a dear aunt of mine move to Florida and Aunty Betty and Disney could be done while visiting our daughter who also lived in Florida. I have enough aches and pains for one body. Just think how crippled up I could be if my dream came true to play in the NFL. God stopped me from physically growing into those shoes. We have a nice home, and there were two dreams accomplished there. My wife's mother and father built their home in 1947 and lived there a long time. Rene always dreamed of building a house and making it a home. 

My point for the day is this. It is ok to dream of different things, but it is God who answers those prayers, His way, and often it leads us in a alternate direction, a direction that many times is quite different, but better. Sometimes the dreams just remain dreams and if we sit back and take a look very closely we can see God's hand in the elusiveness of your  dreams. And your elusive dream might be the answer to someone else's dream. 

Love to all,


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