Friday, July 14, 2023

Power From Above 7/14/2023

 Good Morning,

My cup was just filled with Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and my heart is in the right place, so let's write. 

I watch people a lot. It has become somewhat of a little hobby of mine and often brings ideas to me for this daily blog. 

I watch people struggle through life (at times this includes me also). They have relationships that need mending and just seem to not be able to get beyond just tolerating a person. They believe that the other person should make the first move in restoring the relationship. May I suggest that they also are looking for someone, or something to enact a little revenge into the other person' life. They are blinded to seeing anything but the other person at fault. Their own shortcomings seem to disappear from their view. 

There is collateral damage to these unsolved feuds. Family members are afraid to hold events and at times wonder if some of the combatants will accept and invitation, or not show up, or come up with a flimsy excuse to not make it. 

What is missing in these friend and family miffs is the divine power of God to help us forgive and move on. We need to acknowledge that in all of life we will always be fighting spiritual battles caused by the evil one who stokes and prods the fires of anger, hurt and despair.  We tend to fight these battles with emotions and reason. It is like taking a cup of water to a house fire, when a pump truck and a large hose are needed. 

We forget that God has given us divine power within each Christian to wage spiritual warfare and resolve issues that seem impossible to resolve. Yet we still pray and tell God what needs to be done with our opposition, instead of asking God what we should do. It's like using an unloaded gun. We can use weapons that are not of this world, yet we add the world to them and wonder why it doesn't work out. We often lose the battle to reconcile because we turn the battle plans over to a reprobate heart and a corrupt mind

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish argument and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.

To win we must accept the fact that our own heart and mind needs to take captive our own evil and replace it with the fundamentals of peace, love, hope and joy. We can't hope for peace when our own thoughts and actions are not divine in nature. If you are going to fight, fight to win, but surrender your own heart to divine power, thoughts and actions, to Christ Jesus which will always lead us to forgive unconditionally.

Heavy thoughts for a Friday.


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