Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Do You Run The Travel Agency? 7/26/2023

 Good Morning,

A hot mug of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee awaits me when I have finished writing. That being said, it is time two write.

One huge mistake we can makes is to guilt someone into a behavior or an action. It is a miserable tool to use and believe it or not parents are the worst at opening the travel store of guilt trips. "When will you grow up? Why aren't you smart like your sister? Will you ever make me proud of you? When will you visit? I suppose Niagara Falls is more attractive than visiting your parents." These guilt trips can last a life time and many of you can recall those voices as if they were in the room with you right now. Then throw some friends in the mix who will always bring up your past. And there you have it, one of Satan's best bombs explodes on to the scene. The bomb of condemnation explodes making you feel second best, worthless and lackluster.  Yet we have a God who works to remove all condemnations and washes the stain of sin from our records. 

Hebrews 10:21-22 And having a High Priest  over the house of God, 22. let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 

If you are one who uses guilt as a tool, you are partnering with Satan and using one of the tools he likes best. Knock it off. It isn't a flattering trait. 

If you are one who is guilted without mercy, remember your Advocate who knows you are worth dying for. His blood washed us clean. Pray for those who are mean enough to use guilt as a tool on you or others.

Have a blessed day. 


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