Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Waiting For The Tomatoes To Start Blossoming 6/7/2023

 Good Morning,

A long day is ahead of me and I am looking forward to getting started and going home for a burger tonight. My travel mug was filled with Door County Pretzel Toffee Coffee and it is time to write. 

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it in many days. Give a portion to seven, even to eight for you know not what disaster may happen on earth.

A couple of weeks ago I transplanted the tomato plants from their pots inside the house to the garden out back. They are doing well and have yet to blossom. It will be happening by the end of the month and before long we should have some tomatoes to eat and save for the winter. There is nothing like a fresh tomato and a little salt  to snack on, especially those home grown ones. Our garden has gotten smaller over the last couple of years and besides some onions, garlic, peppers and spaghetti squash it isn't the big plot that it used to be. My wife and I do a good job of preserving the veggies for the winter and we enjoy the fruits of our labor until the new batch comes along in the next summer. 

What is my point for the day? Well, we had the room on our property to have a vegetable garden, we were given some free seeds and except for the sweat equity of preparing the soil and some occasional watering it really was no expense and not much work to take advantage of the sunshine, soil, and rain. It doesn't hurt to store up some extra food. But make sure to share the bounty with those less fortunate. If you are making pasta sauce to can, share a bottle with someone else or better yet have that someone else over for dinner. God's blessings are meant to be shared.

It feels good to share and it is a great way to show others some love.


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