Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Never A Shortage Of Opinions 6/13/2023

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. It is time to write.

Do you know what hurts more than a hot branding iron on your butt? An unsolicited opinion can be a scorcher. Friends, an opinion given with the best intentions can often rub the receiver in such away that their blistered ego never heals. 

Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. 

For instance some projects one takes on, might not have the desired result that was hoped for. Then, comes along Mr. or Mrs. Good Intention who says. "Here is what you should have done" or worse yet "You should have done this." This is even more painful when the new found instructor is telling you to try something that they have never tried before, but you have, and you know it doesn't work. Some folks are so filled with opinions that they can't help but spout off. They are like a pizza filled stomach which can't wait to relieve gas. Like an air biscuit stinks so does their opinions. 

There are good ways to present an idea to a struggling friend. Ask first. How about trying this? "I have an idea, would you like for me to share it with you?" Or, "Is there anything I can do to help"? You might receive an invitation to share your thoughts. Being there and being an obnoxious busy body are two different things. 

Be there to help, but don't be someone who insults while helping. 

Food for thought!


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