Wednesday, June 28, 2023

I'm Here My Friend 6/28/2023

 Good Morning,

My day began with a large cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and some prayer. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor,. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help him up. 

Have you ever been in the dark without any source of light. I recall a power outage when we first moved into our home back in 1994 and it lasted for about a day. Besides having no lights, the night was about as dark as you could get with storms rolling in one after another. We were very poorly prepared for a power outage and it showed as we stumbled about looking for candles and matches. Within an hour we had lit a couple of candles and then found two flashlights and a propane camping light. 

Just that little bit of light made a big difference in feeling a little more secure. Shortly after we had some lights in our home there was a knock on our door. The neighbor across the street was in need of some light and he asked if we had any to spare. The time was about midnight. By this time Rene had found enough candles to keep us in good shape for a couple of days. I invited him in, out of the rain and Rene packed him up with a few candles and a hot cup of coffee we had brewed on a camp stove. About an hour later I noticed that our street was flooding due to branches and foliage blocking the storm drains. I went outside swearing that my next purchase would be a head lamp. I was pulling hard on the storm debris and was not winning the battle. I heard a voice in the storm and it was the neighbor who had borrowed some candles. I heard him say, "I'm here my friend just wait for me to help." He waded through the knee deep water in the road and helped me to pull some heavy branches away from the drain. Soon we had water swirling down that drain and we then moved to the next one. We had to do that a couple of times through the night. Up until then as neighbors we barely said hi to one another. The calamity caused us to work together and bond in a mutual cause. It was sad day when that set of neighbors moved away. 

The point of this story is, whenever calamity strikes don't scroll yourself away and not be involved in mutual aid. Share what you have and welcome a helping hand if you need it. The walls of pride fell that night when I could not budge some of those branches and I was much younger in 1994. I was grateful for the help.

By the way I have two head lamps. God bless.


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