Thursday, June 22, 2023

My First Work 6/22/2023

 Good Morning,

I am ready to write as I sip on a hot cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. The sun is up and it is time to get this day started. 

Exodus 20:12 Honor your fathers and mother that your days may be long. 

I was listening to talk radio yesterday as they expounded on how many programs there are within the city to keep kids active throughout the summer. I mulled that over for awhile and it gave me a good laugh. A plan to keep kids active. There was a lot of money allotted to this as well. As I laughed, I also wondered how I survived as a kid without programs to keep us active. 

Well depending on my age at the time, somehow I managed to have friends. And once our chores were done and I didn't hear anyone mention that chores were a way to keep kids active. We were left to entertain ourselves. This could be games of four square, bike rides, a trip to the county pool, pick up baseball games, water balloon fights, or squirt guns. When we were younger, building forts and playing army could last for days. There was always something to do. 

Once I was strong enough to start a lawn mower I picked up two mowing jobs for the summer. I was so proud of being able to make some money and have a bank account. Have we ever considered that working is an activity? Soon that ingenuity paid off and pretty soon I was painting a garage or two. But I still found time to play Monopoly for a few hours with my sister and friends. 

My point is this. We had to use our imaginations now and then. We were creative and had to be! But we were never bored. Chores and odd jobs rounded out our summer and no one had to plan activities for us. And believe it or not we survived. 

Friends, don't be afraid to have a kid earn some money. Don't shy away from giving them some chores to do. Know what activities they are venturing into, but filling their day with planned activities stymies their minds. 

Those who sow laziness reap nothing!

Have a great day!


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