Thursday, June 8, 2023

On Guard 6-8-2023

 Good Morning,

This day began awhile ago and It is going to be a long one for sure. I just poured at hot cup of Door County Pecan Scones and now it is time to write.

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. 

Our hearts can hold on to a lot of things and not all of the things we hold within are God fearing and righteous. Things such as anger, hatred greed, dishonesty, pride, jealousy, mean speech, and ego often find their way into our hearts. With the seed of evil living within us, these poor self attributes stored away in side our hearts often show their ugly heads during or daily interactions. They surface just about anytime and they show people just what is inside polluting your heart and actions.

It's like trying to have a green luscious lawn next to a weed field. Sooner or later the weeds sneak in and start growing and ruining the lawn. Subtlety they gather and then spread. Just lie things of the heart. A heart full of "nasty" eventually gets choked off from being able to interact civilly and becomes a source of angst to many.

Lesson for today, Guard your hearts. Keep them clean with Scripture reading, worship and prayer. Take stock today and see what evil lies within. 

Have a great day!



  1. Morning Prayer: Thank you Lord for your steadfast love. Lord, renew me today with a clean heart. By your spirit Lord give me joyous words, a generous spirit, and behavior that reflects your glory. Let your word live inside me Lord. Amen
