Monday, June 26, 2023

The Morning Dew And Sheep 6/26/2023

 Good Morning,

I have a busy week before me and the sooner I get started on it, the better it will turn out. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. 

Job 38:28 Who fathers the dew from heaven?

Photo Credit. Negative Space.

Did you know that a sheep can go for a long time without taking a drink from a pool of water? But, only if the sheep gets to the morning grass early enough to dine on grass laden with dew. Now the sheep won't get fat and flourish as it should, but it can survive. I used to think that dew was just an annoying liquid that made my boots wet when I walked through tall grass in the morning. 

As the sheep just gets enough to survive, I am sure they want more water. I am comparing the dew to God's presence in our lives. Sometimes we only drink a small amount of His Word, just taking in enough to survive in life, but not enough to seriously impact our lives, decisions, and faith. 

So when you sit down to pray and read, do so with a hunger that draws you to sit, stop other activities, and refresh your faith. Take in all that you can. 

The limits have no boundaries. 


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