Friday, June 9, 2023

A Secret To Success In Marriage 6/9/2023

 Good Morning, 

I am excited to take in the aroma of some Door County Highlander Grog Coffee as it travels from the kitchen to my den. It is time to write. 

As you get older, people assume you are now full of wisdom! I must have missed the wisdom train when it traveled to me. I had a young man ask me a question about marriage. I did not have the answer he was looking for. He was looking for something filled with wisdom and note worthy, he asked me if there was a secret I could share on having a successful marriage. I think his feelings were hurt when I laughed out loud at the question.

I told him to just figure out that when he and his wife disagree, just assume that he is wrong. But in all honesty, two people should admit right from the start that neither one of them is perfect. Being not perfect also means that each person in the marital union will make a mistake or say something they shouldn't. The wise spouse knows that their marriage is a gift from God and no one should let their spouse go to bed without being forgiven for a mistake that was made. 

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as Christ Jesus forgave you.

The secret to being happily married, is choose to be happy and treat your spouse with dignity, respect and forgiveness. 

If I could bottle this theory and sell it, I would certainly do so!

Have a great day. 
