Tuesday, June 20, 2023

All Grown Up. 6/20/2023

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Cream Coffee. I think I will take a road cup with me this morning. 

Colossians 1:10 So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him: Bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in knowledge of God. 

Last night I was grilling some chicken and listening to the radio. My wife Rene met me out at the picnic table and we sat outside until dark. The weather was perfect, the music superb, and it was a perfect night. 

While we were chatting at the picnic table Rene mentioned that our youngest nephew is having a birthday today. It made me take a walk down memory lane and how he was kind of a runt as a small boy, but he always had a smile on his face. Rene and I used to go and watch him play football in high school and it soon became our Friday night thing. A trip with him, his brother and my brother to a burger joint after the game is something I still like to do. 

I recall taking a trip with him to Michigan and he thought he owned the stereo in my truck. I had to listen to some gal named Lizzy McGuire  for five solid hours. During those five hours he played with a football in the front seat. He adjusted his hands and would spin the football up and catch it. Then he asked me if I wanted to play catch. I suggested that it would not be wise to drive and play catch. So to satisfy the little boy, I pulled over to the side of the road and took the football and said to him " Go out for a pass." He took off and after 15 yards he turned around and I yelled "Go Deep, deeper!!!" That's when I jumped back into the running truck and started to pull away. His eyes were as big a plates as he thought he might be left there. In all reality there is no way I could leave the little dude. But today I am celebrating his birthday and am happy to say the boy has turned out to be a kind, hard working, considerate man and husband. I will challenge him today, to keep that smile and stay just the way God made him. Someday I will write about him and his brother eating steak and eggs as very young boys. But whoa to the waitress, who didn't serve us on time.

Happy Birthday Matt. 

Uncle Marty

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