Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Pressure Had To Be Mind Boggling. 11/30/2022

 Good Morning,

A very hot mug of Door County Irish Cream Coffee is steaming next to me. this pot of coffee is in memory of an Irish friend of ours who passed away earlier this week. It is time to write.

Matthew 7:12 So whatever you would have others do to you, do also unto them. 

Yesterday in the world of soccer two team squared off in a match for the World Cup. Political differences with the two countries are steaming between the two to say the least. Most everyone will know which two countries I am writing about. Although it was a soccer match and really supposed to just be a game, the political pressure of the world situations was on the shoulders of these athletes. You could just sense the added pressure. Of course both teams wanted to win and it was a hard fought match. According to the news one of the teams had so much pressure on their athletes that supposedly their families are now being threatened. This is the team that eventually lost the game. The members of this team had already taken a political stand against their country publicly, which places them and their families in danger. What a shame!

Imagine playing under that type of pressure and threats. So today, my prayer is for safety for the athletes and their families of this country. I do not know their names but God does. I am also reminded that in many countries we put such pressure on winning at sports that it is no longer much fun to participate as an athlete. It's good to strive to win. But at what cost? Let's also pray for ourselves that we can be fans of the games we support without being nasty upon nasty while participating or cheering on our respective teams. 

God bless,
