Thursday, November 10, 2022

A Day To Remember 11/10/2022

 Good Morning, 

I am drinking my hot cup of Door County Blueberry Coffee as I write and I am enjoying every drop of it. 

Ecclesiastes 7:10 Say not, "Why were the former days better than these.? 

As you get older like I am, you start referring to the old days and memories of days gone by. You say things like "Remember the snowstorm of 1978"?  Or how about? "There was nothing like those Big Boy hamburgers". or the old famoue phrase "I remember when"! Then there are the regrets statements like " I should have kept that 63 Ford"

There are years, months, and days that are etched in our memory vaults and they always seem to be better than the day we have right in front of us. So in a good way. How about making this a day to remember. One where a relationship gets restored. Or a debt gets paid or at least a payment is made. How about saying no to an addiction? Or maybe we say no to being abused and we do something about it. Today could be a day when a much needed change is made. A day to remember! My Grandfather used to tell me about the day he quit drinking. According to my dad, it was a day to remember and one I guess I am happy to say I heard about, but glad I missed it. But it changed a lot of lives including mine. I only knew a sober grandpa.

So for your own good, or for the good of others, make this a day to remember. 


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