Thursday, November 3, 2022

Leave Them Better Than When You Found Them. 11/3/2022

 Good Morning,

The sun will be coming up soon and from every indication it should be pleasant weather where we live. I salute the sunrise with a hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee. It is time to write.

Colossians 3:12 Put on then, as God's people holy and beloved, compassionate hearts. kindness, humility, meekness and patience. 

I recall writing about the fact that during the height of the covid epidemic and when masks were pretty much mandatory attire that what I missed were seeing smiles. Of course many of you chastised me a little and said "you can see smiles in peoples eyes." This is true and maybe the benefit of having to wear masks was that we made more eye contact than before, but that is just being picky.

I work part time in health care and masks are pretty much mandatory in  patient areas, but in certain situations the rule is being relaxed now. This rant is not about the politics of wearing masks, or the benefits or the necessity. We now in many instances have the freedom to let our smiles show and to greet folks with pleasantries and accompany it with a welcoming facial expression that can actually be seen. 

I fully understand that some will say that there is not much to smile about these days. Wars, rumors of wars, inflation, politics with mean rhetoric and overall public safety are definitely some factors that would make a person forlorn, grumpy, feeling helpless and hopeless. I purchased some eggs yesterday and the cost of a dozen eggs floored me. I wasn't smiling!

But the sun will be up soon and I will be interacting with some of society today and despite the world calamity going on each person I meet is a human going through the same things I am and might have it worse. I believe I owe it to those in my pathway to be as pleasant as possible and to greet them with a smile and something said that was nice. The goal should be to "Leave them better than how you found them." 

It's up to you as to how you improve your day and the day of others. It all starts with being grateful for just having another day to be able to "Leave someone better than when you found them" . That someone includes you!


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