Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thank You For Family 11/22/2022

 Good Morning,

The aroma from the kitchen woke me up before the alarm clock did this morning. Nothing like the smell of hot Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee coming from the kitchen. It is time to write. 

John 1:16  From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another. 

I couldn't have a week of being thankful without being grateful for my family which for me, includes my wife, child, grandson, parents, grandparents, great grandparents, my siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, in laws, nieces and nephews and our two dogs. 

To say the least I have been blessed with a large amount of family. As with every large clan, distance always hinders seeing them as often as I would have liked to. Several members of the family had big influences on me that they probably won't recall. If it weren't for three of my cousins I probably would have never played football. One uncle helped me make sense of algebra. One aunt taught me how to golf. I will be serving a meal this week with grandma's recipes at the forefront. I learned to add in my head and multiply by playing cribbage with grandpa. Mom and dad provided for me and set me on my feet. Dad taught me how to work and not slack off. My daughter and grandson inspire me as they work hard at what they do. My wife got the short end of the deal when she married me, but never complains. 

If my life were ever a movie there would be a long list of credits with supporting roles in my life. I thank God for everyone of them. For the times they fellowshipped, taught, scolded, and forgave, I am truly grateful. I can't imagine how different these 65 years would have been without them. 

Have a great day. Be thankful for the cast of characters in the movie of your life. 


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