Sunday, November 20, 2022

Once A Dad Always A Dad 11/20/2022

Good Morning, 

My day is beginning early and I will be heading out to hunt geese with family and friends. My Thermos bottle will be filled with Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee. I think some donuts will be shared while we hunt today! It is time to write. 

2 Corinthians 6:18 And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty. 

Many years ago, and it seems like yesterday to me, God blessed me with a daughter. She was born just before Christmas and on Christmas day that year I was watching a movie while my little bundle of joy was sleeping on my chest. The movie was an old classic called "All Mine To Give". In the movie a young boy had to give his brothers and sisters away on Christmas day after they were orphaned a few days before. If you like good wholesome movies and don't mind having a hay fever attack during the movie, I would recommend that you look it up and watch it. I mention hay fever because real men don't cry. They just have hay fever attacks. As Kristy would stir on my chest I would rub her back and keep her warm. I will never forget that day. 

When Kristy was born I was a very young man and realized on day one that I had a new responsibility, but this responsibility was easy to love. I recall that day while watching the movie that I knew I would always be concerned about her no matter how old she became and how successful she might be. Yesterday, Kristy was traveling by plane from Florida to Georgia which is routine for her. I found myself praying for her safe travel and for her to get some rest. You see, nothing has really changed since she was born except for our ages. She is still my little girl and as long as I live I will be concerned for her welfare and safety. Once a dad, always a dad. 

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. 

God is the same way. He is always concerned about us and has angels watching over us. So today despite your age you are still a child to God. Enjoy the feeling! 

Have a great day. 



  1. Amen to that Marty! God blesses us with children who are our ‘forever gift’ just as our Heavenly Father is to us.
