Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Consentrate On What You Can Fix 11/9/2022

Good Morning,

I was happy when the aroma coming from the kitchen signalled that my hot pot of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee was finished brewing and that it was time to write. 

1Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. 

We are wired to be worriers and often there are times that we fret so much that it impacts our health. This is not a good situation for anything. Many things in our lives are out of our control and no matter how much we worry or fret we cannot do much about them. 

So today I made a list of things I can control or at least try to control and I am going to work on that. Even if I help myself and my family a little bit, I have made a step in the right direction and some progress is better than none at all. 

Expenses are just out of this world and I have made a list of things that we use that could be replaced with cheaper items or just eliminate them from our shelf completely. Bulk purchases are the best way to save dollars, but you might not need that much of something. Find someone who does and purchase together. Take advantage of a bulk price and split the cost with someone. It is a small step, but yet it is something you have control of. I can have a lttle control over my health just by making sure I get enough sleep. Go to bed early enough and turn off the television 30 minutes before you do to clear your mind of the news, or the last minute shot that could have won the game for your team but didn't. 

Start your day in God's Word and prayer and end it the same way. In many ways prayer is the one thing you can do to impact something that seems to be out of your realm of control. Let God handle the things out of your control.

Times are tough, but sometimes just doing the little things in a positive way makes one feel a little better. 


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