Monday, November 1, 2021

Getting Organized 11/1/2021

 Good Morning,

I am writing to you from inside a warm house. I was outside with our two dogs for awhile and this first blast of cold weather sent me back in, appreciating a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. 

1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. 

I work part time now for a company that provides a service to hospitals and clinics, and some commercial businesses. I like the work and it fills a gap in our finances, as I have yet to start taking my pension payments. So the part time job lets me be of service to others and I earn a paycheck. 

In the process of performing this work I pretty much set my own schedule. I contact the clients and let them know when I am coming or ask them what time or day would be best. I order the the supplies needed to perform the service and do a lot of paperwork. I can't always say that my little portion of this work is always running like an on time train.. Schedules change, emergencies pop into the scheduling mix, the internet has been known not to cooperate. Small things that mess with the schedule and things out of my control can set me on some wobbly tracks. After assessing the work flow and stress level for October and sitting down to schedule out November I found a couple areas where some changes can be made to make things rum smoother. The old process needed aa makeover.

So my point for today is the reorganizing things in our lives, needs to be done now and then. A life of chaos can be fixed if we sit back, pray for ideas to fix or rearrange our habits and processes. I haven't felt organized personally for the last couple of months. Thus time for a process change. 

Don't be afraid to leave the status quo and try something new in the family flow, finances, work flow or your free time. Start today with a new plan, one that you know is endorsed by God.

Have a great day, and get it done.


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