Sunday, November 7, 2021

Waste Not. Want Not. 11/7/2021

 Good Morning,

My day started slowly just because I wanted it to. I am taking some extra time to write this morning and enjoy a cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee. I will be taking our two dogs out later to chase some pheasants and hopefully bring one or two home.

If my Dad were alive, today we would be celebrating his birthday. Yesterday as my wife Rene and I were talking about our parents on the way home from church, we both agreed that the one thing that really stands out about all four of our parents, is that they taught us not to be wasteful. 

Even the smallest portion of food that was left over would be saved "for a lunch the next day", or food for the dog.  My dad could always find a use for  a cloth bag and some  rawhide boot laces. I have a small bag tied shut with a piece of rawhide which holds a set of wrenches in my truck. 

I watched my wife the other day and she was doing something she learned from my Dad. I am bragging a bit here  but I believe Rene makes banana bread that is to die for. We have been eating off of one loaf for a few days. The loaf of bread was getting a little hard and I was gong to toss it. She said for me to wait and it would get new life. My Dad had told her about taking the bread when it got hard and slicing it, dipping it into egg batter and making French Toast with it. He said he saw some chef doing this on television years ago. Not  a crumb was wasted. 

Friends, these are times to be frugal more than ever, But shouldn't we be frugal in good or bad times. Jesus set the example for us. 

John 6:12 And when they had eaten their fill, he told His disciples, to "gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost."

I am not saying to become hoarders, but look for uses so as not to waste things. 

God bless,


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