Saturday, November 13, 2021

Someone Is Always Watching. 5/15/2021

 Good Morning,

The house has a chill in it this morning, and our two dogs seem a little sluggish. As for me, I am both a little chilled and sluggish to get started. Maybe the cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee I am drinking will take care of both of my issues.

Ephesians 5:15-17 Be very careful, then how you live, not as unwise, but as wise, 16. making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. 

I will be speaking very frankly this morning. If you are a church going , God loving, Bible reading person, you will be the first to admit that we aren't perfect. You can't help but be all three of these character traits without knowing that we aren't perfect. We strive hard to be the perfect example of God's children but all too often we fail. God expects us to improve as we walk with Him, and knows that as hard as we try we will give in to temptation. I am not excusing faltering in life, I am just stating a fact. 

There is another source of help for us. It is a simple thought, from a simple man. "Someone is always watching"  You say, "of course, God is always watching". This is true and should be enough to stop us from falling.  But, I am speaking about those who are just watching for our imperfections so they can apply the label of hypocrite to  those trying to walk the line. Our children and grandchildren and maybe our spouses have assumed the right to be judge and jury of the lives they grew up with. I believe that is why many young people have fallen away from churches, and they tend not to apply roots to a church family. They see what they see and judge that those of faith can't be sincere if they fail.

So we must be aware that our lives are on display for the world to see and do our best to set the example of Godly living in a world run amuck. So when you fail, admit it. Don't let it become a habit and be sure to make amends of any mistakes and fallen moments.  This too, is watched and is the example for regaining your credibility before those with eager eyes and judging hearts.

Food for thought.


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