Sunday, November 21, 2021

Jelly Beans And Potatoes 11/21/21

 Good Morning,

My desk and chair are a little cold this morning as I sit and write to all of you. There is some light snow and rain falling from the sky, mostly rain. I have a hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee next to me and our two dogs are sleeping on my feet. I should be warm pretty soon.

Matthew 18:20 For where tow or more are gathered in my name. I am there among them. 

Last night after our church service, we held a small fellowship gathering which centered around baked potatoes. Your meal consisted of a baked potato and whatever you wanted to put on top of your potato. There were so many choices of items to top off the potato that it is hard to recall all of them. Several different cheeses , veggies, meat, and chili were there to garnish the spuds. One topping that stood out was a bag of "Jelly Beans".  

We held a potato night a few years ago and a young girl started telling me weeks in advance of the event, that she would be bringing jelly beans for a potato topping. I thought she was kidding me. But on the night of the event there was a bag of jelly beans there to be eaten. This family has since moved away and we have only seen them twice since the move. I received an email last week letting me know that they would be visiting and they would see us at church on Saturday night. In my reply I mentioned that we would be once again having a potato night and they should plan on staying and eating with us. 

Low and behold our little version of Shirley Temple was there last night, except that she all of a sudden wasn't that little girl who always sat in the third row with her family on Saturday nights. She is now 13 years old and a lot taller than the last time we saw her. During the service I kept wondering if we would see some jelly beans at the buffet and much to my amazement, she did not let us down. Her family brought the jelly beans. I did see some folks munching on a few including this older friend of ours.  I for one threw a few on top of my hot potato and they melted, leaving a crimson, red and blue coloring on my meal.  

What's the point here. Amidst all the high inflation, violence, and natural disasters it was nice to see this wonderful family again. It was funny once more to be eating jelly beans on top of jalapenos and cheese on my potato. It was a simple night that made for a lot of smiles. I for one can't wait until our next little event in January. You see dear friends, Jesus and worship are why we gathered last night. Add in some fellowship time and all you can say about that is "Sweet". Old friends and jelly beans. 

God bless,


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