Sunday, August 16, 2015

When The Night Is Long 8/16/2015

Good Morning,

I am lifting up a cup of Door County Jamaican Mountain Blue Coffee as I write this morning. The weather is supposed to be very hot today. It makes me look forward to the cool days of fall that will be upon us soon.

I did not sleep well last night. I may have obtained two hours as I struggled with my thoughts. Last night at church we were given the news that one child within the congregation was diagnosed with third stage lymphoma. This news struck me and others hard but not as hard as it is for her siblings and parents. You see this young girl has already been through a heart transplant. He family is strong and I believe her will to fight will be as strong as theirs if not stronger. She is at the best hospital Wisconsin has to offer for children. A top notch facility with world class doctors and nurses will be taking care of her. I left church a little angry last night though. It did not seem like a big deal at the time. Why this eight year old?

Our God is an awesome God and I have seen Him perform miracles in many areas of life including healing the sick. So why couldn't I sleep? I had prayed for her and the family along with prayers for others and myself. I came to one conclusion. God loves me and wanted to tell me something last night. And He did. That will stay between God and me. I might share it at a later date.

Galatians 3:5 ESV    
Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith.

Here is the point, I heard what I needed to hear, but I fought it with all my might because I did not want to give in and not sleep. Friends I was so tempted to reach for the Tylenol PM out of anger last night that I ended up tossing the bottle out. As I am writing I am not tired and I will make it through today just fine. I opened God's word at 1 AM and there it was. It was not a short conversation either. It just ended an hour ago. But it was well worth it. God had things to say and so did I.  It was more like a wrestling match than a conversation and of course God won.

So go ahead and when the night becomes long, spend it with God. I can say it was worth it and you will be better for it.

God bless,


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