Wednesday, August 26, 2015

When I Quit Hoping 8/26/2015

Good Morning,

A cup of Door County Red Velvet Mocha Coffee sits at my right side, steaming away. The dog is at my feet waiting for me to move. Work is just an hour or so away.

I was conversing with an acquaintance yesterday about the wild fires in the State of Washington. I said to him "I hope it rains out there and puts those fires out". This person is quite the analytical type and he gave me every scientific reason why it won't rain and the winds will continue to blow the fires wildly through the landscape. He told me that only foolish people place any value on hope.

I explained that many people are praying and hoping for the fires to be drenched. He shook his head and chuckled, saying "you hope in what you can't see or prove".

At that moment he had me believing in evolution instead of creationism. I figured he had to be the perfect example of swamp goo that turned into a you. I decided to defend my faith. I asked him if science was ever wrong? He agreed that science and engineering have both made mistakes. I continued "have they cured every cancer, or eliminated death entirely? How many times have you heard that they have cured cancer? Does the sun come up now because swamp goo told it to?" He began to quiet up a little.

Job 9:7
Who commands the sun, and it does not rise; who seals up the stars;

Genesis 1:14

And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years

I went on to say this. I will quit hoping and praying when the sun doesn't rise, when the tides stop moving, when babies don't cry, when the moon is sold for cheese, when small girls stop dreaming of weddings, when pizza doesn't appeal to a single person, and when I see people breathing only after planning each breath.

Hope, I have hope. He left shaking his head and I left with a tear in my eye for the man who had no hope.  I have hope because I see God's promise of daylight every morning.

Have a day filled with hope. Don't forget to pray.


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